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Scott and Emma
I read Here Comes Tomorrow, and as hard as it was to make any sense out of it, I definately did not get that Jean pushed Scott and Emma together.

The only thing I did get from that story-arc was that Scott and Emma couldn't walk away from Xavier's dream, or it would lead the team (and the world) to ruin. Just because the future of mutant/human kind relied on them continuing to fight for what they believe, it did not mean Scott had to be an uncaring @$$ who couldn't take ten minutes to grieve the loss of his wife before making out with Emma.

Grant Morrison did little to further the greatness of the X-Men as far as I am concerned. Most of his stories revolved around his own little sub-universe that he created, using his new crappy characters and perverting classic ones to his own designs. He took Scott Summers, a one time great character, and turned him into a despicable cretin. I refuse to buy Astonishing X-Men because I want nothing to do with that character any longer. He's been ruined for me. It makes me sick.

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