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Chapter Three: The Salvation of Paradise
Hanging desperately by one determined bolt, the twelve-inch thick door creaked helplessly as Victoria passed through its portal. There was a basketball sized indentation in the thick metal in the distinct shape of a fist, leaving the pale skinned telepath with the feeling that this was not a place that anyone had ever wanted to be held. But unlike the jade giant who was once imprisoned here, the current prisoners did not have the muscle to fashion their own departure. They needed help, and that was what the Watch was there to provide.

After passing into the deep shadows that lay beyond the moonlit doorway, outside of the Cloak’s influence, Victoria found it far more difficult to make out her surroundings. The only thing she could discern in the near darkness was an elevator shaft that appeared to have been torn open from the inside, leaving it without a passenger car and gaping to nearly three times its original size. Peering down, Victoria could definitely see light, but could hear nothing. With all the chaos that she knew was happening below, she wondered how there could be no sound. She attempted to scan for trouble telepathically, but there was nothing but static on the psychic plane. Something inside the building was disrupting her telepathy. She would have to do it the hard way. Slowly Victoria rose from the floor under the power of her telekinesis and lowered herself into the unknown, ready for anything. When she reached the bottom, Victoria quickly understood why the place had fallen so quiet. Her sword came to the ready, but her foe only smiled and asked, “Dost that not belong to me?”

The group of heroes that remained outside took a quick vote and decided that they would allow the Cloak to teleport them inside, but into small strike forces instead of one large group. They hoped this would allow them to accomplish more in a shorter amount of time, and get them all home just a little bit faster in the process. In a swirl of obsidian tendrils, the Cloak swallowed up the Watch and delivered them to the battleground. Logan was the first to emerge from the shadows, quietly by himself. This was partly due to his overconfidence in his own abilities and the team’s reluctance to work with him. The second group was led by Iron Fist, with Alex and Abbey under his command. Husk and Batgirl, with the Cloak still wrapped tightly around her shoulders, emerged last, having deposited their teammates as strategically as possible into the deep shadows that lingered around the large control room. All seven of them had managed to remain unseen by the demigod soldiers that littered the room, mostly due to the goings on at the chamber’s center. There were holding cell corridors that jutted out in a half-dozen directions on all sides, but in the middle of the circular room was what was left of the Separatist attack. Quicksilver and Warbird lay unconscious at the boots of the Asgardian forces. Only Victoria remained on her feet, having just arrived moments before her teammates. The members of the Watch glanced at each other from across the room, wondering how to proceed. Should they continue upon their mission to save Kya or risk everything by attempting to help their teammate who now stood face to face with Security Master Loki?

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